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Maddox, Sculpted by Cindy Musgrove

Made from our Extra Soft Bountiful Baby BabySkin(tm) Vinyl. About 20 inches long, includes vinyl head, female torso, and full vinyl legs and arms.

Maddox is part of a series of Bountiful Baby sculpts with an anatomically accurate soft-spot, or "fontanelle", on the top of the head, like a real baby has.
It is by design the precise shape and location of the anterior fontanelle on the top frontal area of the head of a real baby, which you can see it in some of the pictures below. Many more of our future Bountiful Baby kits will be adopting this feature!

Prototype by Beata Wierzbicka

Prototype by Melissa George

What You Get
The Unreborn Vinyl (Head, Arms, Legs)